Classes and fees

On leash etiquette

Fun For Life is happy to provide individual lessons for loose lead walking.

This is for dogs who may react to other dogs, people, cyclists, or environmental stimulus when out and about.

Instruction consists of individually tailored lessons for you and your dog. 

Prior to the first lesson you will be asked to complete a comprehensive profile so that the training can be best suited to your dog’s needs.

The First Lesson

Will be conducted at your home and will take about one hour.

You will learn about:

  • Dogs body language (An information sheet showing the signs of anxiety in dogs will be provided),

  • Appropriate ways for humans to interact with dogs. We will help you become assertive on your dogs behalf. (We will provide you with an information sheet showing appropriate ways to approach dogs).

We will discuss:

  • Suitable training equipment for your dog. 

  • A suitable training area near you where the practical lessons will take place.

We will teach you some essential skills:

  • The basics of loose lead walking and how to practice this skill at home.

  • “Curving, parallel walking, emergency exits and focus activities” to help keep your dog safe when out and about.

If after the first lesson we consider your dog would benefit from more intensive support we may refer you to a Vet Behaviourist. In this case we will provide follow up support to implement the Vet Behaviourist’s program.

Away from Home Practical Lessons 

Will be conducted at a suitable training area near you as agreed during the first lesson. Each lesson will be of about half an hour duration so your dog is not overloaded.

You and your dog will work at a distance from stimulus that will keep arousal levels low. This will be tailored individually for your dog.

You and your dog will practise the Emergency Exit, Sit, and Look  exercises when in a relaxed frame of mind.

Subsequent Lessons

These Skills will be enhanced and Curving and Parallel Walking exercises introduced. The distance from each stimulus will be adjusted individually to give your dog the best training value.

The cost of the first lesson is $50 and subsequent Away from Home Practical lessons are twenty-five dollars each or a package of 4 lessons can be pre-purchased for $75


Sign up for our on-leash etiquette classes

Please fill in the form to register your interest in these classes and we will be in touch with more information.